Ever had one of those moments where there's all these pieces of clothes that you wanna wear, but they don't necessarily all go together? Well, that's what I did. I wore too much pink (I think) but I don't care (pink shoes, pink top, pink purse). I wanted to get there a bit early, but that was all in vain when we saw the line up to get inside...
I don't know if you can tell in the picture, but the line up snaked around the building towards the adjacent skating rinks (in case you don't know, that's far). I took that shot from my place in line to show how many ppl were behind me.
So anyway, we finally got inside and I was pleasantly surprised at how great our seats were. Not on the floor (which was probably best because with everyone standing and stuff, it'd be bad for me, even in 4-inch heels) but our seats were in the bleachers in the second row. And we were VERY close to the stage. You might just say it was perfect seat (because we could sit and stand whenever we pleased and still had a good view of the stage). Here's a shot of the stage from our seats:
You may have to squint to see the stage because it was dark but trust me it was very close.
Of course, concerts never start on time, so we waited for everyone to pile in and at around 8:30 (scheduled time was 7:30), they brought out this comedian. He was hilarious. Most of his jokes were 'black', so I couldn't 'relate' to alot of them but he was still funny (but not Dave Chappelle-funny).
Hollywood Rich: How many people here paid to be here?
(crowd cheers)
Hollywood Rich: How many people got in here for free?
(I cheer, everyone turns)
So the concert started off with SWV. I was so itching to hear 'Weak' all day and wailed to every line when they finally sang it. When they were done their set, and Tony Toni Tone came on, they watched the concert right in front of us.
^"IIIIIII get soooo weak in the knees, I can hardly speak..."
We so could've gotten their autographs and stuff, but we wanted to save all that for Blackstreet just in case (we were hoping they'd watch from there, but no :( ).
At intermission, DJ Starting From Scratch spun a couple old school tracks and got the crowd really pumping. Every time a familiar song came on, everyone was on their feet and jamming. It was wicked.
And then it was the moment we were waiting for... Blackstreet!
^"Don't leave! Darlin', no. Don't leave, sweet girl, won't you stay with me toniiiiiiiiiiight."
^"No diggitty, no doubt, UNGH! Play on, playa..."
All in all, I had a great time. Although I probably wouldn't have paid 50-90 bucks for that concert since I only really heard of two of the bands, it was so worth the 3 days of calling into the radio station. Also, I got to check out my old workplace, including checking out an old crush who still works there (and still lookin' GOOD).
The concert was sooo for the ladies (many of the male singers insisted on taking off their shirts to show off a lil chocolate) or for dates. Regardless, I'm glad I brought Dev (first concert!) and we really need to go to Club Menage soon on a Wednesday...
I think I will try to go to more R&B concerts from now on. I'm not too into rock music and I think I'm too old to go to rap concerts, but with R&B at least I can sing along with the artists because I know the songs and it's less chaotic. Too bad there's not alot of good R&B groups lately worth going to see live. I guess it's reunion tours for me from now on...
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