^Adriana @ Backlama (sp?) fashion show
As liberal as my views are, I somehow respect her a little more that she's saving herself for marriage. I mean, not that I'm against chastity, but in the world we live in today and the world she works in, I'm oh-so-impressed that she was able to rise above all the sexual (and drug) pressures that must surround her in the modelling business. Plus, she's a fox, so it must've been even more of a challenge to keep those hungry hungry hippos at bay (and cold water on hand). AND, she's from the land of 'walking sex', aka the Brazilian wax.
Adriana Lima for President.
Maybe she's a lesbian? That would explain why she's still a virgin hmmmm?
Nah, she's been linked with the likes of Lenny Kravitz. And Lenny's like the sex-maniac.
Lenny?! NO WAY!? He did Nicole Kidman and Natalie Imbrugalia too then! hooooollllyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
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