^The only black man there?
^The customary Asia-philes
^The obligatory drunk girls kissing (what, no tongue?)
^What's Chinese New Years w/o the Lion Dance?
^Can't walk into a club w/o at least seeing three girls dirty dancing with each other (is that girl seriously wearing that?)
^Haha, I think I see Brandy...
^This guy came prepared, he matched his shirt to his face
Well, I posted this blog meaning to post pictures of me and everyone who came with me. I know our picture was taken at least twice and I can't seem to find them.... >_<>
You suck, Acom.
Oh, found a couple more from HiLife
^The back of Sarah and part of Cuong
^Megan and Dru
...And that's it.
you know i really dont pay attention to people in clubs or at least i dont notice them that much which is why it's so funny to check out these pics afterwards
i checked out the acom site yesterday and saw those pictures, some of them made me laugh, some of them made me think wtf were they thinkin?
that's all they have of us? i swear there were at least 2 or 3 if not more... that's so weird
i found one with cuongs face and i think jon sorta blocked by corey?
oh you can see the Dev's red sweater in that first hilife pic you posted
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