I swear, I have such bad
weather karma. The soft snow came
after I went boarding and hit my head. This morning I had an early morning exam that I desperately needed extra hours to study for. But no. The snowstorm didn't come until the afternoon, long after my exam. Fuck you, Mother Nature.
What a week. What a horrible week. It really didn't help that I had 4 back-to-back exams that I was semi-ready for. BLAAAHHHH~!
With that said, allow me to reminisce the good times of last weekend (and wonder why I didn't spend more time studying...):
Iljya came back for a few days from California. On Friday night after my looong day at work, we chilled at Megan's all night playing Poker, watched movies, ate and whatnot...till 5 am. I was so exhausted that I actually mistakened a 4 for an Ace. Costly mistake, to say the least, but still a fun night of plenty of food and friends.
^You can't tell at first, but I'm really hungry
^After the candles are blown, Megan realizes they're store-bought muffins!
^Ooh-ing and aah-ing at something interesting from California
^PokerrrrrrrrrrOn Saturday I tried to get in a few hours of studying until my early evening dinner with the gang at Starwalk before some of us headed off for Inside to celebrate Megan's birthday. Dinner was eventful as usual, but I won't dull you with the details. The video posted earlier and the pictures speak for themselves.
^Sloth in all its glory
^Talk to the hand, the face ain't listenin'
^Nam attempts to make green tea from green tea ice cream
^Mix well with water
^"Yeah, I've had enough"
^Mel looks at Iljya's oddly-healing finger
^Alex creating shenannigans

After a brief drink fest at Megan's we trooped to Inside Nightclub where we waited outside for
almost two hours. I think if we didn't get in for free, I would've been quite peeved. But alas, we are true true troopers and we waited and froze our asses off (and I endured hours of Nick's complaining) just for Megan. You better appreciate, girl! LOL
^Cuong and Nick: at the beginning of the 2-hour wait
^Nick bitching in my ear

We finally got inside Inside (what an ironic name for a club that allows their guests to wait
outside for hours) and partied just like old times.

We partied till about 3 and I got home at 4 am. But WAIT! The weekend did not end there. At least for me. At 6:30 am, I woke up to go
snowboarding at Blue Mountain. I know, I know. I can't stop, won't stop. Even if I had an
8 am exam the next morning. I really should've assessed how much sleep I would be getting before I agreed to go though. I was sooo tired. I kinda just glided down the hill half-asleep, which was not such a hot idea when I caught a drift and flipped. Guess who suffered a very minor concussion. Worst time to not have my helmet to say the least. I somehow managed to make my way down the hill and just take a short nap right there in the snow (from exhaustion or the concussion?). I think I'll be out of commission for a while, guys. Nonetheless, I had a blast: concussion, exhaustion and all.
^Nam's store-bought Your Mom muffins
^Muffins on the floor! (and Alex ate one)
^Everyone say 'bluuuuue!'
^Nottawasaga Bay from the top
^My lovely new pants!
^Can you tell how exhausted we are?
Special thanks to Minh for her pictures from Saturday night!
^I *heart* dancing
^Mel *hearts* dancing
^Name one person who isn't down with dirty dancing?
^Someone please, please, please create a gif with the above four photos of Cuong!
^The group with some random brown guy that Minh is about to push out
^Waiting in the fourth line of the night: coat check (1. to get in the club, 2. to get through security, 3. to check our coats)
Penny's dress is amazing! Do you happen to know where she got it?
thanks lil,
I do appreciate!!
and thank you to everyone for a great birthday!!
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