The pics from last weekend at Kincardine and Lake Simcoe.
^Maybe it's just Alex and Iljya, but I don't get the Russian fascination with axing...
^What was left of the bottle after mine and Alex's night of binge drinking
^Alex hangin' out
^All I have to say is: Alex is 21 12
^This pic is kinda weird because me and Kathy are just hanging out on a ladder, but it's a nice picture for some reason
^Kathy and I
More found at, hopefully.

^Me (not pictured), the boys, the platoon and the water

Hella tired now. More updates later.

what's with the lyrics? I know Rockell is the greatest, but i would never picture you quoting one of her songs!
are you reminiscing about Lot 332?
Actually I was listening to the song, whilst writing AND it was THE song me and Alex played over and over during our road trip, so it has some significance.
But yeah, Lot 332 was awesome and it really does bring back the memories.
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