I had about 5 hours of sleep last night. Thanks to Vicki's weird gotta-wake-up-at-ungodly-hour biological clock, I ended up waking up at about 8 am this morning. Geeeez.
Last night, the girlies and I went out for dinner to celebrate Sarah's 22nd birthday. Congratulations! You're now in my age box: 22-26 - the age range where you're officially at the 'pinnacle' of your life where there's a ton of change (good and bad) going on. 'Settling down' just seems like a waste of time, and new and exciting things are to be expected.
We went to the newly renovated Alice Fazooli's for some guy-ogling and familiar face-sightings. I guess that is to be expected when you've lived in the same area your whole life (sign #1 that change is needed: constantly seeing everyone you know everywhere).
Afterwards we went back to Jez's apartment where Vicki had spent hours cleaning and decorating specifically for the festivities. Festivities, you ask? We kicked it old school with an old-fashioned slumber party, complete with anything slumber party-ish you can imagine: took shots, sipped on Pina Coladas, ate tons of junk food, smoked the toke (excluding yours truly, of course), watched movies, gabbed. And just like any other girlie slumber party, we had pillow fights in our underwear amidst flying feathers and then practiced making out with each other. Hahaha, OK, whose imagination do you think that part would be in?
We got a cool birthday cake for Sarah that was actually four cakes in one and a Wii game (did I spell that right?). AND Vicki got these funky birthday cake candles and cliche ghey-ass slumber party favours (but I still loved it despite the cornyness). Vicki was really into this slumber party, more so than any of us, I think. LOL. Girl, you better start shooting out babies soon.
This was actually my first slumber party (I know, and I'm 22) and I must admit, it was pretty fun. Yeah, while people are getting married and whatnot, I'm doing slumber parties. Well, when I was younger I was never allowed to do the slumber party thing (Asian families don't understand the concept of slumber parties) so this was an enlightening experience, even at my age, to make up for missed chances.
The party ended after we grabbed some hot breakfast from across the street and now I sit in the library trying to get some words down for this damn paper. A decade ago, I actually fantasized being where I am now: in school, working, doing 'real' homework (who misses doing one page of math questions and that's it?). What the hell was I thinking? Be careful what you wish for.
Just looking back on the past 48 hours is starting to make me realize how I am definitely in the stage of change: personally, physically (the hair!), professionally, emotionally, mentally, financially. Ohhhh, won't someone please stand still with me? I'm so tired.

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