FYI, I've been trying to figure out how I would be sending 1.5 GB worth of pics to everyone, and that's why I've been too busy to blog (more than half of them are completely useless pics of trees and rocks and stuff, but I won't bitch about that anymore...).
There's also many blog entries by my other travelmates (e.g. Kathy, Nam) so here goes my depiction of the weekend...
Friday, September 1
We were originally planning on sleeping over at one person's house so we would be guaranteed an early start for the trip. Instead, the Lem's slept at the Lam's and everything worked out in the end. I felt so bad for the drivers, because we couldn't recruit 'back-up' drivers, and Dev and Nam had to drive the 6 hours there, each on about 4-5 hours sleep. Thanks, guys. You sure were tru-tru-troopers and I am forever grateful. I don't think I could've done what you guys did and not swerve or fall asleep. Thank you thank you thank you. I'm assuming that most of the road trip looked like any other road trip we normally take: Mel navigating, Kathy yelling at Nam to close the window, Nam smoking and me sleeping with headphones on. And trees, rocks and more cars everywhere. How do I know this? Because my camera is full of those useless pics of trees, cars and random highway signs...! Good job, guys.
About 6 pit stops later, we finally arrive in Quebec in about 6 hours! I knew I would expect lots of French signs, but I didn't expect not to see too much English! Luckily red means stop everywhere and Tim Horton's is always Tim Horton's.
I must say, Montreal driving is somewhat different from Toronto driving. The first hour or so I was in Montreal I witnessed two accidents. Both of which was because of impatience, stupidity and road rage (you should see the way these ppl parallel park). Oddly enough it seemed very normal (every second car I saw had at least one ding on their bumper).
So we arrived at Les Suites Faubourg St-Laurent at about noon, and to my delight the hotel room suite was better than I expected. You see, just before we left we had some last minute changes and whatnot but it ended up nine of us would be going and I had booked one hotel room. I totally forgot that it would be a suite (OK, I didn't forget, I just didn't read the entire hotel description online. I pretty much just clicked my way through to making the reservations without reading). I walk into the hotel room, and it's an apartment-style hotel suite, complete with kitchen (fully-loaded) and living room (with pull-out bed). SWEET. Nine people would do just fine, especially since we brought along an air mattress. Perfect. I was worried we'd be caught with more than double the maximum occupancy all weekend, but luckily everything worked out just fine and noone was none the wiser.

Montreal's Chinatown made me appreciate Toronto's Spadina Chinatown, garbage, smell, noise and all. Something about all those elements just seem truly Asian to me, I guess. Hahaha. Montreal's Chinatown was quaint, and I suppose some people would prefer that. I personally don't mine the chaos experienced in the T.Dot's Chinatown (although Montreal's had some pretty decent bubble tea).

It's 2:20 AM and I just got home from Captain's. *sigh, time to get ready for school tomorrow. Day 2 of the Montreal trip shall come tomorrow.
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