Do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once? I am one of those me-lo-dramatic fools: neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it. -Green Day "Basket Case"
I've been checking out some digs to visit while I'm up there. Mostly looking up nightlife stuff, like clubs and bars. One club is offering open bar to ladies (hell to the yes) and I'm even thinking about hitting a couple strip clubs (a place called Bar Sexe Mania is one I'd like to check out b/c it seems to have the elements of a great night: alcohol, sex, non-idleness).
Gonna try and avoid Casino Montreal, although I'm sure we will make the visit because it looks really awesome in the pictures. I'm gonna avoid gambling, as I don't wish to be wasting more money on gambling than I have this month.
I'm gonna look up some 'scenic' routes to Montreal, because 6 hours of just the highway and those dinky rest stops seems unbearable. It seems like it's a lot of things to do in only two nights and three days, but I'm sure we will not be at a loss of things to do. Mel even mentioned a literal 'sidewalk sale' that will be going on while we're there (not the sale of sidewalks, but shopping on real sidewalks, not like at a mall). I wouldn't mind hitting a couple museums and such.
Yes, this trip will be a nice ending to the summer. Mais oui?
Today I ran into an old friend of mine on my lunch. He was all dressed up in a suit and tie and it turned out he worked at a bank across from my building. It was weird seeing him dressed up because I've only really seen him in casual clothes. We went to highschool together (where the only time we ever really got dressed up was for presentations or the prom). He told me that another highschool friend of ours was working in the Executive building across from mine and I know another one of my childhood friends is working at the bank across the street (basically we're on all four corners of an intersection. Cool!). At that point, it dawned on me. We're no longer kids and above all, most of us are no longer students. Most of my friends are now either just starting to work or preparing to graduate from post-secondary. It feels so weird because I never thought we'd get there. After highschool, it only seemed that post-secondary would last forever and we didn't really think beyond that (except superficially). And now, some of us, are "young professionals". *shudders. Oohh, I have a love-hate relationship with that label.
We're grown, we got our own lives, we've got new responsibilities. I'm even sitting in someone's own apartment! Where the hell did the time go? Remember the days of just chilling at someone's house afterschool and not having to worry about grocery shopping or refinancing? We never had to worry about finances and security and now BAM! It's all happening so fast.
Today a young couple, who couldn't be more than 5 years older than me, came in to see us because they were about to purchase a condominium. It's such a cliche that you see young people purchasing condominiums *at this age* and I just realized now that I am in that age bracket. Mortgages, down payments, taxes... all so foreign to us! They should've taught us this in school to prepare us for "Life".
It has also come to my attention that I can't really do anything about all this change. It's something I just have to roll with and be prepared for, I suppose. So far in my 'preparation', I've decided my "making it" age is 26. That is, the age I intend on being both financially and emotionally secure and comfortable. Sound too ambitious? Perhaps it is because it is essentially 3.5 years from now, but I know a couple of people who are independent and comfortable at that age, and that to me is a goal to strive for.
It's still raining outside, but I think it's time to bear it and go home.
As for Kathy's birthday, on Sunday night we 'que-ed, we noshed, we limboed, we laughed, we shared. What more can I say? I can't. So I'll post.
Well I did the shopping (two shirts, two flips flops, a dress, earrings and a pair of jeans), I did the gambling ($100 down the hole that could've been used towards Montreal!!) and I did the ogling (not much to report, ladies). Same old, same old at the same old CNE. I also took in a "cabaret" show which, to my disappointment, wasn't at all the sexy burlesque show (think Moulin Rouge) I was expecting and it wasn't 18+ at all.
The evening got a bit more wacky when someone (names have been asked not to be released) realized they didn't have their car and house keys. A good three hours of searching all over the park later, we went home, keys-less. Let's just say, the evening continued to be eventful, especially when we got back to the car. And let's just say I finally got to put my new CAA Plus card to some good ol' use. Eventually, I got home just shaking my head at the whole experience.
All in all, it was just anoter day at the Ex.