For the past some odd years that I can remember, I've usually worn my hair with a side part. Lately, I've noticed my hair has not been falling into place like that as usual (honestly, I don't style nothing. I go out of the house with whatever I woke up with). The hair's been doing the center part thing. I used to hate that because it just made my wide forehead look wider. That has not changed. However, I just seem to not care now. I used to be self-conscious about it but I guess this is a sign that I've grown (or am spiraling into a state of depression or Ras Tafarianism, ha). In the words of Youngbloodz: I don't give a damn, don't give a fuck. My hair is going through a funky procession of growing out from short hair. I dig.
Apparently my birthday weekend did not end in the weekend. Today a couple of my girlfriends from school took me to lunch after our legal professionals conference thingy and we did a little shopping after (which I really shouldn't have after my cha-ching weekend). I came home with some pretty 'crazy' stuff; this stuff that I can only as classify as 'emo-druggie-Mary Kate outta rehab-chic'... oh and a pair of pants for the office. I welcome any fashion change, I don't know whether to embrace this one. I think I'm moving BACKWARDS in time, rather than growing up and maturing.
... YAY!

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