Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
ANS' life after death: a tragedy in itself?
^I know I should really pick a song that is relevant to this entry, but this song's been in my head all damn week, cuz there's a guy at work I need to hit on.
I am floored by the amount of publicity Anna Nicole Smith gets -- before and after death. Can someone tell me what she is famous for, besides marrying a dying old rich man and wearing obscene amounts of red lipstick?
I guess I will forever be perplexed over why the untalented, the fug and the unintelligent are more idolized than someone else who is none of the above (like, say, a squirrel). I can think of a handful of people right now of who's fame I will never understand and am dumbfounded as to how they have a 'fan-base'.
Anna Nicole, for one, is the most confusing of all. I read and heard about how the trial judge who presiding over what was to happen to that drug-infested corpse of hers. He, apparently, was brought to tears by the entire thing. To tears. I don't believe I so much as shed a tear when I couldn't figure out where to put the rest of my shoes when my closet got full. Perhaps you can call me a she-devil for bad-mouthing the dead, but this is a friggin' nuts! I will slap the next person who calls her a 'hero' or whatever. Her life, I would say, was anything but 'fascinating'. It seems as though she faceted her life the same as Marilyn Monroe, which is just plain sad (rumour has it she wanted to die the same age as Marilyn Monroe). I don't think I respect anyone who idolizes other people, above all, someone who tries to live their life vicariously through a [dead] idol (especially Marilyn Monroe, I just don't get the fascination with her). OK, I won't just bag on ANS. A few other people who's fame I will never get: Paris Hilton, Tupac (you're dead or you're not, pick one), Marilyn Monroe... It is truly saddening to think of the deplorable world we're living in. We continue to destroy Planet Earth with our gas-guzzling Capitalist lifestyles, we live to eat and gorge on anything genetically-modified, and idolize the weak and the fake (who would no less wither and die the second they were put into the 'real world'). However, I do admit that it is a good distraction to read about Anna's Sexcapades, and even to laugh at Britney's Breakdown. But I really don't think they deserve as much air time as they do get. C'mon, 11'o clock News! I just want to see the weather for tomorrow!Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I'm Sprung... on Spring dresses
Has anyone been outside lately? I'm talking to those who work, or have managed to get their lazy Reading Week asses out of the house. The weather is definitely getting warmer and if you sniff a lil, you can smell Spring. So much for hibernating for the winter (but yay for the Spring season!).
The winter season was short, and the snowboarding season was even shorter. I managed to get in a couple of hours this past weekend at Hockley (thanks, Sarah) and I'm hoping to go to Blue this Sunday (weather-permitting, what's this rain crap?). Such a fucking shame since I spent so much money on new snowboarding pants (I don't think I've actually been in love with pants before. Shoes, yes) and had my board tuned up (no more rust!). What a waste.
Anyway, it's not like I could've spent every waking snow day on the slopes. I do have a life, the details of which I will not get into since I mention it so often on this blog (re: the 10 past entries). Needless to say, I wish for the school season to end ASAP. Me so fucked on readings!
I just wanted to drop a note so that people know that I'm alive (and to not render this blog dead). Despite everything I've just mentioned, I really do look forward to the warmer weather. Aside from the shoe craze I have, I am slowly developing a dress craze. Yes, dresses. I've bought like, three dresses in the past two weeks or so for no good reason (except that they were pretty, which I guess is reason enough). All dressed up and nowhere to go, as they say.
Anyway, that has been pretty much the highlight of my life as of yet. The dresses. LOL. Oh, and my new keenness to honey mustard sauce. I think I could slurp a tub of it.
Back to the grind. Ta ta for now!
P.S. The rumours of a Sex and the City movie are seemingly coming true. I think I just had a tiny orgasm.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
I dunno about you guys...
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
A trapeze-like life
On Tuesday, I had an early-morning presentation. I had stayed up all Monday night working on it after working late at the office, which included collecting my group members' parts, putting a summary together and trying to shorten the 4-page thing to 2. I finally finished it at about 1 am. The next morning I tried to print it out at school and The Worst happened: I couldn't find it anywhere on my computer or on my USB Memory stick at school! What the hell happened? Well it turns out that without regard, I had opened the attachment (instead of SAVING THE ATTACHMENT) on my computer, which subsequently opens in Temporary files. While editing, I had been saving my work to the Temporary files and of course, when I turned off my computer for the night -- everything disappeared, for good. ALL THAT WORK FOR NOTHING. I somehow managed to do my presentation and carried my team but I felt really awful for my stupidity (due to exhaustion). I am dreading the day I come back and find out my grade. It is Thursday and I'm still kicking myself over it.
Not sure what I'll be doing this weekend but I highly doubt a lot of it will be done sleeping, for a few reasons:
- Chinese New Years is this weekend, and there's a few parties happening and I want to hit at least one.
- I think I need to go snowboarding this weekend. Why do I 'need' to? Well because I missed the great snowboarding weekend last week and because next weekend is supposed to be plus-temperatures and no one will want to go. That means, I need to start scrambling to find people to go this weekend ASAP.
- An old friend of mine wants to get together for dinner, and it looks like I have to do the planning and rounding up of people. Oye.
Some people have commended me on my ability to seemingly "balance my school, work and social lives" but in reality, I'm not sure if I'm balancing at all. Balancing to me is the ability of sustaining all three with the greatest of ease, like the man on the flying trapeze (without the use of drugs). For me, it mostly feels like I'm barely holding on to a trapeze with no net below.
Once I was happy, But now I'm forlorn, Like an old coat That is tattered and torn; Left in this wide world To weep and to mourn, Betrayed by a maid in her teens. ... Oh, he floats through the air With the greatest of ease, This daring young man On the flying trapeze; His actions are graceful, All girls he does please, My love he has purloined away. ...
~"Man on the Flying Trapeze" by George Leybourne
Sunday, February 11, 2007
I can see now why Winterlicious is exciting for some: it's a chance to go to those fancy places and not have to pay the fancy prices. Too bad I didn't get too excited about it earlier and I would've tried out more restaurants. There's a Summerlicious, right?
After Flow, we went to Vicki's for Lena's birthday party. I was so glad that a couple of Vicki's older friends showed up so that I wasn't the oldest one in the room. The party-goers ranged in age from 17-25. I forgot what it was like to be under-aged and drinking until I witnessed it last night. Gone are those days.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Be the Lady, not the Tramp
Act like a lady.
Yeah, I know. Sometimes I act like a dick, or like I had one. I'm pretty brash and I can be too sassy. Apparently that needs to stop because it's a.) a turn off to guys, and b.) just plain weird. So I submitted and agreed that I would do a 180 and see if I can truly be polite and be, *gulp*, a little more lady-like for once.
Cuong is my new 'Swear Jar', whereas if I make a certain statement that is... 'not lady-like', I have to give him a quarter. However, I don't think this is gonna be too difficult to maintain. I can be pretty focused and committed if I have to be. Especially when there's money riding on it and my pride is on the line.
A few things that will attribute in my transformation from Tramp to Lady:
- refrain from treating/objectifying men as sex objects -apparently you can only objectify women.
- don't check out girls--aloud.
- less swearing - I can't get rid of it completely, sometimes a 'fuck' is necessary: "FUCK YEAH! Those shoes are hot!" or "Fuck! Fuckin' Wentworth Miller is fucking hot and so fuckin' fuck-worthy, I'd fuck him!".
- act a little more stupid - no joke, apparently this attracts guys and will soften the edges a little.
- do the 'tea-and-crumpet' thing more often.
- don't start off sentences with 'Yo' and 'Dude' or end sentences with 'guy'.
- laugh at all jokes, especially the non-funny ones (although I personally think this one corresponds to the 'act more stupid' thing).
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Another I-don't-get-you-women Rant
I'll admit that I don't always know best. In fact, you can even say I know nothing at all and most of what I say is the first instinct that comes to mind. But I am opinionated and I have a certain perception of the world. Fuck, you can't expect any more than that from someone who's working in the legal profession. Honesty is my best Friendship policy and to me, that is a measure of a real friend (and I don't even charge $300/hr for it). However, apparently an honest opinion is a retaliation to one's happiness, for some.
Inasmuch, I am beginning to believe that this honesty policy falls upon mostly of the male species, who will take whatever you say at face value and then throw a beer back with you. Do NOT misunderstand that what I have just said is a vendetta to make you miserable for life. Just when I think I am starting to relate to the female species, I am suddenly pulled back between the gender mind sets and I am a stranger of my own gender. The gloves come off and the mud starts slingin'.
So, I need to make this absolutely clear so as not to piss anymore people off or for them to look at me as some poor soul who cannot get a boyfriend (because apparently, it's pretty necessary to have one to have an opinion, even if you've been in the Vulnerable Position in love): if whatever I say seems harsh or hurtful, I am saying it for a reason, not for the sole purpose of putting you down. I'd like to believe that I follow that Jewish philosophy of raising a child: push with one hand, hold back with the other (I think that's how it goes). I will [usually] support choices a friend makes, but it is in my Friendship Policy to at least protect someone by throwing caution to the wind. I hate to say this, but it's like parenting. I sincerely hope that others follow this policy with me because I would not like to be led a strew believing smoke-and-mirrors just to keep me satisfied. Ideas need to be shared, thoughts should be heard and if you don't want to hear it, don't ask for it! Bottom line: don't ask me to lie to you because I really hate it (I am going to be a shitty lawyer).P.S. I'm sorry for this cryptic entry. I hate cryptic stories, too, but I just don't have time explain (although I do have time to rant).
Monday, February 05, 2007
Quarter-life Crises don't come with flashy cars :(
For the past some odd years that I can remember, I've usually worn my hair with a side part. Lately, I've noticed my hair has not been falling into place like that as usual (honestly, I don't style nothing. I go out of the house with whatever I woke up with). The hair's been doing the center part thing. I used to hate that because it just made my wide forehead look wider. That has not changed. However, I just seem to not care now. I used to be self-conscious about it but I guess this is a sign that I've grown (or am spiraling into a state of depression or Ras Tafarianism, ha). In the words of Youngbloodz: I don't give a damn, don't give a fuck. My hair is going through a funky procession of growing out from short hair. I dig.
Apparently my birthday weekend did not end in the weekend. Today a couple of my girlfriends from school took me to lunch after our legal professionals conference thingy and we did a little shopping after (which I really shouldn't have after my cha-ching weekend). I came home with some pretty 'crazy' stuff; this stuff that I can only as classify as 'emo-druggie-Mary Kate outta rehab-chic'... oh and a pair of pants for the office. I welcome any fashion change, I don't know whether to embrace this one. I think I'm moving BACKWARDS in time, rather than growing up and maturing.
... YAY!

Sunday, February 04, 2007
Whatchu doin'? Nothin', chillin at the Holidae Innnn
Last night will definitely have to go down in my books as one of my best birthdays. I would count this as one of my best not only because it lasted for most of the weekend, but because it was a chance for all my friends, as different as they are, to get together for one thing they have in common: moi.
For all those who decided not to come to my party last night because they were scared off by my email: no, the cops didn't show up. However, security did show up once to give us a warning.
Although I invited a lot of people to my party, I'm actually pretty glad my email kinda scared some people off. I can't imagine what would've happened if more than the 20 or so who showed up came. I think my ass would've been on the subway home by midnight.
The evening started off at the Korean Grill House. It's such a cliche place to go because a.) the food is good, b.) the food is cheap, and c.) it was the only place I could think of that would take a big party on such short notice. I don't remember how long we were there, but we probably ate an entire farm. And it was oh-so-delish.
Special thanks to: Mel and Kathy for the earrings, Alex for the book, Cuong and Nam for assuming I'm some sort of sex fiend and giving me some items from the sex shop and Vicki and Sarah for the lovely Dior items! I love them all!
We played a round of Kings, which is never a dull game especially when there's no shortage of booze. I think my favourite part was when Alex had to make up a rule and he said that every time someone took a shot, they had to "take a soldier out of their drink". It must be some weird Russian thing. However, he soon gets a taste of his own medicine and realizes how ridiculous his rule is when he had to take 26 shots:
It is truly astonishing how much I am remembering from last night considering how much I drank (which was a lot). I'm proud to say that I even outlasted Nam and Alex from passing out (shame on you, Alex. Vodka is your blood, Russian). I also managed to put a new drunk quote to add on to Nam's infamous "How face is my red?": "These pretzels are making me salty!"
I'm glad we got to play Twister before security came up. We made good use of that king-sized bed, eh? The game could've got more interesting had the girls really played in their underwear (damn Louise and Whit for wearing thongs! LOL) but alas, there was enough violation and inappropriateness as it was.
More violation and inappropriateness when someone had the bright idea to retrieve ice from the machine and we had an ice fight. Water, pretzel, popcorn everywhere (including places where such items shouldn't be)! In true rock star form, minus the drugs, sex (sort of) and rock and roll. Hahaha, in the morning, our lovely skylight gave us an idea of how out of hand things got the night before.