Thursday, July 31, 2008

A,B,C, tell me what you mean to me....

Can anyone really get over a heartbreak? This thought came to me the other day while I was having dinner with Kaitlyn. I realized time and space somehow puts it all into perspective. The initial breathtaking hurt somehow fades and becomes a memory. The hurt is still there, but you don't feel it until you manage to remember it.

However, just like first loves and the like, it stays with you forever. Oh well. Just suck it up and barrel on. Note to self: Must. Get. Back. To. Active. Regime. I'm starting to get a little lazy and a little soft. Ugh.


A bunch of people, myself included, from one of my Creative Writing classes have begun a Writing Group. I guess it's kinda like a Book Club, but it's more about perfecting our crafts rather than contemplating what we thought of a book we read.

We had our first 'meeting' a couple of weeks ago. It was pretty enjoyable, I must say. I didn't think I would be into these kinda things but surprisingly it was very helpful and kinda fun. I don't know if it's because I barely know these people or the fact that we get together to focus on a common hobby. We focus on one aspect of writing per meeting and also review and critique pieces of each other's works. I can't wait for the next meeting. What can I say? I'm a writing geek.


The other day I went bra-shopping and to my horror, I discovered I am now a C-Cup. I was so used to and content with being a B-Cup for so long that this new found chest size frightens me. To me, B-Cup is the perfect size. It's not small, it's not big. Clothes look better (that is, clothes look the way the designers intended them to look: for small-chested, frail body types). B-Cups just say, "modest; sexy but perhaps innocent".

C-Cups, however, say to me "promiscuous and proud".

*sigh. I guess the secret's out.

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