Sunday, March 02, 2008

What Spring may bring...

I'm so ready for Spring now. Yesterday I went with the ladies (Nam, Yuri, Alex and Tom) and Mr. and Mrs. Doubov to Blue Mountain for what may very well have been the last bout of snowboarding for the winter season.

We had quite a bit of snowfall on Friday, so it made for really terrific snowboarding conditions yesterday and a great end to the season. I believe this is the most times I've gone snowboarding in one season ever, since I don't have school work to bog me down anymore. I'm really proud of myself and the way I have improved this year (even if others don't see it, I feel I've improved).

It has come to be my 'therapy'. I prefer to go off on my own (while others take the terrains or prefer not to wait for me, or I not of them) and just exhaust my body and mind from anxiety while going what seems like 60 km an hour down a snowy hill that can very well meet my demise, despite wearing a helmet.

I guess you could say I improved myself because of everything that has gone on in my life recently, I have lost more inhibitions and am more willing to take risks (like go faster!!) and just close my eyes, just do it and not care what happens. I used to be really, really careful and too scared to go straight down and fast. Instead I would cascade my way down, slowly but surely. How about that? Some good comes out of everything.

I hope a new season brings some new change, especially for me. I really need it. Change of pace, change of scenery, change of everything!

My body is still sore, but I think I will go over to Jez's today and help her with her moving.

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