Tuesday, June 26, 2007

O Canada, why weren't you born earlier?

WEEEEEEKEND, come faster!! I'm having a hellish week again, work-wise.

This weekend a bunch of us were invited to Megan's cottage for Canada Day. Hooray! I'm looking forward to it, even though I'm anticipating those blitzes and cottager traffic. Gonna get the mp3 player geared up. Another game of flashing strangers on the highway, guys?

After this week, I will really need this long weekend break. I have 5 real estate closings on Friday alone, so as soon as I register the last property, I'M OUTTA THERE. Sure, I'll be met with tons of reporting letters to do on Tuesday, but fuck it. All weekend, I refuse to be without a drink in one hand and a fishing rod/football/hamburger/another drink in the other.

This weekend will make or break me.

1 comment:

So@24 said...

"All weekend, I refuse to be without a drink in one hand and a fishing rod/football/hamburger/another drink in the other."

That is brilliant. I can't think of a better way to spend my weekend... except for maybe having 2 drinks in both hands.