Monday, August 11, 2008

Play Nice

I found this hilarious article about Booty Call Etiquette. It's hilarious because it's so true. Trust. ;)

To summarize, the 8 Commandments of Calls for the Booty:

  1. Thou shalt not wine and dine the Booty Call. I hate that awkwardness of 'who pays' afterwards. It should be the person who called for Booty first.
  2. Thou shalt not Booty Call as per schedule. It's a Booty Call, not a class.
  3. Thou shalt not date Booty Call. Remember when Carrie did that on SATC? There's a reason why they're good in bed: too dumb to function anywhere else but the bedroom.
  4. Thou shalt look good. Otherwise, you might as well be married. Oh DISS to the married people!
  5. Thou shalt keep Booty Call at arms-length and expect nothing. If you're sensitive and shit, Booty Calls aren't for you.
  6. Thou shalt keep it real. Booty Calls are like the best of both worlds: best friend-like conversations and all the sex.
  7. Thou shalt use a condom. Duh.
  8. Thou shalt be like Batman. Expect the Call anytime, anywhere like the Bat Signal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I completely agree!